miércoles, julio 16, 2008
domingo, enero 20, 2008
Hillary, Butts and the Abyssian Church
and my videos
miércoles, junio 13, 2007
El Encuentro

Una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado este año fue la de obedecer a Dios y hacer de Casa De Oración, mi congregación y familia. Desde el primer día que me conecté con estos hermanos, su amor, simpleza y espiritualidad fueron como "lazos de amor" (en boca del profeta Jeremías) que me atrajeron y me unieron a una de las iglesias más pujantes que he conocido. Una de las mayores actividades que hacemos aqui es el llamado "Encuentro". Es una especie de retiro (por falta de una mejor palabra) pero no con el énfasis de retirarse para descanzar del mundo que nos rodea y conectarnos más con Dios, como lo son la mayoría de los retiros espirituales de muchas otras congregaciones y también algunas religiones. Nuestro énfasis es puramente para que los que no conocen al Señor Jesús tengan un encuentro con él. Este fin de semana tuve el privilegio de ser el secretario del Encuentro de CDO. Fue un desafío que valió la pena grandemente. Ver este grupo de hombres transformados por el poder del Espíritu Santo dejando unas vidas marcadas por el pecado y el mundo para vivir en la voluntad de Dios, es algo que no tiene precio.
Aqui van algunas fotos para que disfruten.
Por favor, si nunca has ido a un Encuentro, mandame un email y dejame compartirte más acerca de una de la experiencias mas transformadoras que puedas pasar.
Fotos aqui.
La Célula Virtual
Este Jueves 14 de Junio estamos haciendo la célula de Varones en mi casa y será transmitida via skypecast para todo el mundo. Todos los varones que hablen castellano están invitados a unirse a este evento.
No te olvides, Jueves 7 de Junio a las 9:00 PM hora del Este de Estados Unidos, (21:00) Venezuela, Puerto Rico y Republica Dominicana. Guatemala 19:00, Colombia y Ecuador a las 20:00 Argentina 22:00.
Para esto debes tener una cuenta en Skype (es gratis) y luego unirte a nuestro grupo. Buscame como "leluo123" y te daré instrucciones para conectarte.
martes, junio 05, 2007
Mi Célula
Bueno, muchos ya saben que este 2007 trajo un montón de cambios. Uno de ellos es la célula de Varones. Un grupo de mas o menos 10 varones que nos juntamos todos los Jueves en Kissimmee a las 8:00 para entender mas la Palabra de Dios. Esta célula es parte de Casa De Oracion, liderada por Santiago Ferreyra (su esposa lidera la célula de Mujeres)
Esta es una foto tomada en un picnic en Chisholm Park en St.Cloud pegado al Lago Tohopekaliga.
Para mas foto pueden ir aquí.
miércoles, enero 17, 2007
domingo, octubre 01, 2006
I am back
10 Steps to ask for money - OM01
So I put them in “Ten things to remember when I worship him during the offering time”
1. Remember that everything belongs to God, He is the creator of everything; he possesses every single atom. Psalm 24:1. Therefore when you tithe you are not giving 10 percent of your money but retaining 90 percent of His.
2. Remember how much your life cost, how much it cost for you to be in heaven one day. Revelation 5:9
3. Remember your debt. How much you owed God and how he paid it all. Romans 11:12.
4. Remember that you belong to God and you haven’t been bought with gold or money or perishable things, but with the precious blood of Jesus. 1 Peter 1:18 and 19
5. Remember to store up for yourself treasures in heaven where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:20
6. Remember that God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
7. Remember to seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you. Matthew 6:33
8. Remember to keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you, never will forsake you” Hebrew 13:5
9. Remember Jesus. He left behind all his glory and splendor to be born in a poor manger and to be nailed like a thief for you and for me. (Philippians 2:6 and 7)
The last one I am not quite sure if it’s in the Bible at least I did not find it explicitly, but ….
10. Remember that we have bills to pay in the church.
God bless you. Let us pray.
Toss out the Blood - CM03
That young man was me. It took me this shameful experience to realize that God's love and forgiveness is unconditional, and if I repent he doesn't hold grudges against me for a while like humans do, but He wants to restore my relationship with him immediately. The Holy Spirit says: “But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the cup” 1Co 11:28 KJV. The commandment is to examine ourself, but also is to eat the bread and drink of the cup, the only thing left in between is repentance. It does not say, if you examine yourself and find sin don't drink and eat, but it says, examine and eat and drink. So if you examine yourself and find sins in your life , it's not to reject this symbols, but to repent , and take those symbols that represent life, your life and the life of Christ. This is a time of confession and reconciliation with God, how can we bring our offering and our worship with unclean hands and hearts? God is here now, ready to embrace us, caress us, hold us, if we examine our lives and repent before him.
Let's have a moment of silence and let's examine our hearts.
The mystery of the mind - CM02
I was driving by Neptune Road and I saw a few empty lots for sale, and my appraiser mind started working and wondering about the value of them, how much they could cost? How much the owner paid for before? Is this an inheritance? And you know how the mind works. So the next thought was o horrible flashback of something I’ve done in my past followed by the temptation to keep dwelling on that image. What am I doing? Am I taking pleasure or torturing myself? Or both at the same time? I don’t know, but in the middle of a hurricane of thoughts, memories and images, the voice of the Lord spoke to me like a gentle whisper saying “why are you stealing from me?” Although gentle, the inaudible voice left me even more perplexed than the already gone gust of confusion and I said, what do you mean Lord that I am stealing from you? – Yes, you are stealing from me, I already pay for all your sins, they belong to me and you are trying to make them yours again. Instantly the wonderful well known verse in 1 Corinthians 6:20 became new again “you were bought at a price”. Wow, if remember well, this is what it means to be redeemed. Many times, we use these theological words to describe in fact simple things. To be redeemed means that we have been bough at a price. Jesus paid that price with His own His blood, and His blood says John, “cleanses from all sin”. Come to the table right now, and if the devil brings memories about your past full of mistake, just ignore him, remember that if you are in Christ, you are stealing from God if you do this, because He already paid the price for all of your sins.
I’ve been criticized before about people not understanding my accent. Well, for those that didn’t understand a word of what I just said, the summery of all my speech I this” You are forgiven, God loves you, be faithful”.
My Testimony (part of it) - CM01
I could not fight it anymore. I admitted that what he shared with me was what the Bible said, but there was one thing that was driving me crazy, and that very thing is the core of the Gospel. I asked myself over and over again, “how does a man that died almost 2000 years ago have anything to do with me?” I see that he might have died because of the sin of his contemporaries, but what did I do? I don’t have anything to do with that, it happened centuries ago. That day I took the bus to town to see my classmate so I could ask him these questions. His house was close to the Children’s Hospital and the bus stopped right at the entrance. I had never been inside and I was always curious to see what goes on inside. Somehow, it was like a hand guided me to the top floor, where kids abandoned by their parents wait to be adopted. In one room was this little boy. His name was Mathew, and he was crying with a cry I’ve never heard before, a cry of real pain, no tears in his eyes, staring at the ceiling like praying to God for help. I was shocked. I did not know what to do. At that moment, the nurse came in and I asked her why he was crying. She replied: it is because of his wounds and open sores, so we have to change his position often. When she pulled those sheets I could not believe my eyes: he was skin, bones and sores. Almost crying I asked the nurse how long he’s been like this. She said “14 years, his parents abandoned him when they discovered that he had mental problems.”
I was only four years older than him and he looked like a five year old child. Tears were running through my eyes. When the nurse left, I could not that image out of my head. I thought, he might have never seen the light, and I took courage and lifted him up and took him to the windows to see the outside world, a world that rejected him, a world that he never knew. In my unbelief I prayed, “God, why do these things happen? He is totally innocent and he is paying for the sin of irresponsible parents.” In that very moment, God spoke to my spirit and told me: Jesus was completely innocent and never sinned and he suffered even worse because of your sin. Don’t ask me how, but that day I understood the Gospel and I would never be the same again. God used an abandoned, malnourished child to save me.
I never got to my friend’s house, all my questions were answered. I left that hospital crying, but crying for joy. I’ve been forgiven by the blood of the innocent Holy Lamb of God.